整個蛋糕都很濕潤, 不太甜
Last Wednesday was Mary's birthday
I made a simple, quick carrot cake for her,
though it is my first time to make carrot cake,
it's really successful, moist, tender and not too sweet,
highly recommend all of you to try as well!
甘荀 ----------------- 2條半
自發粉 -------------- 1杯 (150g)
麵粉 ----------------- 半杯 (75g)
梳打粉 --------------- 1茶匙
肉桂粉 --------------- 半茶匙
黑幼糖 --------------- 半杯 (80g)
橄欖油 --------------- 3/4 杯 (185ml)
蜜糖 ------------------ 半杯 (125ml)
雞蛋 ------------------ 3隻
雲尼那油 ------------- 1 茶匙
牛油 (放室溫) -------- 45g
糖霜混合料 ---------- 半杯
牛奶 ------------------ 1湯匙
合桃味甜酒 ---------- 1茶匙
2 and half carrots
1 cup (150g) self - raising flour
1/2 cup(75g) plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 cup (80g) caster brown sugar
3/4 cup ( 185ml) olive oil
1.2 cup (125ml) honey
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
45g Butter (room temperature)
1/2 cup (80g) soft icing mixture
1 tsp pecan liqueur

做法 Methods:

1. 焗爐預熱170c度. 甘荀削去外皮。

    Preheat oven to 170c degree. Peel and grate the carrots. and set aside.

use this side of the grater




 2. 量好所需的自發粉, 麵粉, 梳打粉和肉桂粉, 逐一篩入大碗中。

Measure and sift the flours, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon into a large bowl.




 4. 在另一個碗中, 打入雞蛋, 打發勻。

Break the eggs in another bowl, whisk it through.


 5. 把黑幼糖, 蜜糖, 橄欖油和雲尼那油混一起。

Put the caster brown sugar, olive oil, honey and vanilla  in a separate bowl, use a balloon whisk to mix until combined.

6. 加入蛋液, 以打發器打勻。
Put eggs in, mix until combined.


7. 把蛋液混合物加入麵粉中, 以膠刮八字型攪勻。
Pour the eggs mixture into the dry ingredients. Use a scraper to stir in a eight shape gently until just combined. 



8. 加入甘荀, 攪拌勻。
Stir in the grated carrot.



9. 在20cm直徑的圓形焗盤裡掃上油, 鋪好焙焗紙。
Grease a 20cm round cake pan lightly with oil, and line with non-stick baking paper.

10. 倒入混合物, 放焗爐焗一個小時。完成後放5分鐘涼。
Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 1 hour. Set aside for 5 minutes.

Poke a bamboo skewer in the middle of the cake to test whether it is done or not.


11. 把糖霜料以電動打發器打勻。

To make the icing, place the soft icing mixture, butter and  pecan liqueur in a bowl. Use a electric mixer to mix until well combined.



11. 待蛋糕涼透後, 以膠刮把糖霜鋪上表面, 放入雪櫃半小時, 即成。

Wait until the cake cool down completely, spread the icing over the cake with a silicon scraper, keep the cake in refrigerator for half an hour before serve.

這個真的很好吃, 也很容易做, 大家也試試喲!

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